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MRC Year 1 Recommended Resources: CRR Unit

Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Renal (CRR) Unit

Cardiovascular Physiology Textbooks

Renal Physiology Textbooks

Respiratory Physiology Textbooks

Unit Director Notes

The two West and Levitsky paperback books are, in general, the more helpful to students in CRR units of the first two years and with the USMLE Step 1. Slightly used editions of these 3 paperback books are acceptable to use and are usually available online at reasonable prices on Amazon. Notably, Boron & Boulpaep (Medical Physiology, see Renal Physiology Textbook section above) offers a lot of useful detail for most topics in pulmonary physiology and is overall very comprehensive. If you are new to respiratory physiology, a more basic physiology text such as Costanzo Physiology is a better source to start your respiratory physiology/pathophysiology learning.

- Dr. B. Bany

Slide Sets

All slide sets are available for checkout from the MRC. Please inquire at service desk, as the slides are not on the shelves.

  • Jamal Johnson histology in slides
  • CRR SAQ Slides 1-9


All models are available for checkout from the MRC.
Model Description
Heart Anatomical detail of the entire heart. The front heart wall is detachable to reveal the chambers and valves inside.
Kidney Stone This model shows the opened right kidney in natural size. The renal calices, the renal pelvis, and the ureter are opened as well on the anatomy model so that concretions or stones can be identified within the kidney.
Kidney with Adrenal Gland This model shows the kidney with adrenal gland, renal and adrenal vessels of the kidney, and the upper portion of the ureter. The front half of the kidney is removable to enable demonstration of cortex medulla and vessels for teaching about the human kidney.
Kidney with Upper Abdominal Organs This model has the rear organs of the upper abdomen combined with the kidney, depicting the anatomy of the human urinary system and digestive system. The upper abdominal organs are attached in their natural anatomical positions and are removable from the kidneys.
Right Lung This full size cut-away of the right side of the lung shows bronchus, arteries, vein, two lymph nodes, bronchial passages and trachea bifurcation.
Swan-Ganz Catheter, Labeled A style of oximetry catheter used during pulmonary artery catheterization (PAC)


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