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Find Full Text Articles

Steps to finding and accessing full text articles.

Using PubMed to Find Full-Text

Use the PubMed@SIUMED link on the Library's Key Resources page to connect to PubMed and begin searching for articles. Accessing the database this way is essential because it connects Library holdings to PubMed, making it easier to identify full-text articles available at the Library.

Watch this short video tutorial (3 min.) or follow the step-by-step instructions below to help use PubMed to find full-text!

Step-by-Step Instructions for PubMed

  1. While on the Medical Library website, click on Key Resources in the top menu bar.
  2. Click on PubMed@SIUMED.
  3. Search for your article(s) by title, author, PMID, etc.
  4. Click on the article you want to be taken to the article record page.
  5. Under Full Text Links on the right side of the page, click on the green "Find It @ SIU" button. This will open the Medical Library catalog page for the article.
  6. Scroll down to to the "View Online" section. If there are links in this section, that means the article is available online in Full-Text at the Library. Click on any link provided to be taken to the article. You may be prompted to sign in to OpenAthens.
    1. If you see "How to get it" instead of "View Online", this is an indication that the Library does not have immediate access to this article. Proceed to step 7 for Interlibrary Loan instructions.
  7. Click on the "Sign In" link in the "How to get it" section to sign in to your OpenAthens account.
  8. Click on the Article / Book Chapter Request link.
  9. Fill out the Interlibrary Loan request form to request an article in full text. Requests are filled within 72 hours and you will receive a PDF copy of an article or book chapter in your email.

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